Models Know your Rights


A Reputed Modeling Agency

  • Will NEVER charge any kind of fee for representation

  • Will NEVER force you to shoot with their photographers

  • Will NEVER book a photographer for you

  • Will NEVER force you to update your portfolio or charge for prints

  • Will NEVER promise you guaranteed work

  • Will NEVER force you sign a contract right away

  • It is ALWAYS your choice who you would like to choose as photographer for your portfolio

  • Read Ontario’s Modeling Agency Guidelines: Modeling and Talent Agencies: Your Rights

  • Google every agency before signing. Check for Reviews & Google Listing Reviews

  • Will NEVER recommend nude pictures for your portfolio

  • Will NEVER recommend swimsuit pictures, unless you’re casting for a specific campaign

  • Will NEVER touch you without permission

  • Will ALWAYS encourage models to bring a friend to a shoot

  • Will ALWAYS share recent work with models and references

  • Will ALWAYS share image references with you so you know what to expect


  • Research the Photographer - Website, Social Media, Google Listing

  • Know where you are shooting - Studio or Outdoor

  • Ask for image references from the Photographer, so you know what to expect!

  • What do you need for your Portfolio? Reference images for yourself and share them

  • Nudity is NEVER required for a Modeling Portfolio, unless it is what YOU want.

  • Reputed Modeling Agencies NEVER charge for representation

Here are a couple of points for anyone Considering becoming a Model:

  1. Portfolio, Do I need one?

    Right away to get represented? No. Having a portfolio on you during an Open Call at an Agency is always advantageous & expected, but it is not required. A portfolio is a display of your abilities in front of the camera and how your work as a model in a Professional Setting. If you walk-in for an Open Call at a Modeling Agency you are evaluated by a “Judge a Book by it’s Cover” basis but if you bring a Professional Modeling Portfolio, The Agent will not only evaluate you in-person, but also consider your abilities during a Photo-Shoot by looking at your Modeling Portfolio.

  2. Evaluate your Goals

    There is a common misconception about being a Model as a Part-Time Hobby. Just like any other career, being a professional model takes time, practice and investment. Before making the decision to invest in a Portfolio or approaching an Agency, mentally prepare yourself for a 6 - 12 month timeline to truly understand yourself, what you can bring to a photo-shoot, and better yourself as a professional. Avoid having an expectation of any paid campaigns for up-to 6 months from the start of your modeling journey. My advice would be to sit down and think whether YOU are prepared to go all in.

  3. Study yourself

    Ask yourself important questions like

    • Which Profile of mine looks best (Left/Right)?

    • Do I prefer my chin down or up?

    • Do I look best looking away or right at the camera?

    These are a few foundational questions you should ask yourself before practicing posing in front of the mirror. The best starting point to answer these questions is to look at your pictures, especially your selfies. How do you take them, which profile of yours is always facing the camera, do you hold your phone high, low or face height. This should be your ultimate goal: Youtube: Coco Rocha

  4. Pinterest is your Best Friend

    There are tons of pictures available on Pinterest for you to start creating your own Mood Boards. A Mood Board is a series of images for references.

    Start by creating 3 Mood Boards:

    • Poses: Look for and save pictures of photo-shoots based on what poses appeal to you as a model.

    • Feel: Search for broad terms like “Fashion Photography”. Save the images that appeal to you and add it to your second board. Look back at them and ask yourself what did you save? Outdoor pictures or Studio pictures, Hard Light or Soft Light, Color or Black & White.

    • Color: Repeat the “Feel” board steps, but this time save images by what wardrobe you like from the photo-shoot images.

    Once you have saved enough images on all 3 boards, dial it back and look at them. Look into your boards and ask yourself Why, How & Who. Practice your saved poses, understand why did you prefer certain images in your feel board and what colors you have an affinity towards.

  5. Nudity is Never Needed

    A portfolio or an Agency will NEVER need a nude portfolio from you. If you’re researching photographer’s for your shoot (paid or collaborations) and they recommend a nude look, BLOCK THEM. It is up to you entirely, if nudity is something you want, then do it.

    Getting into Modeling is a daunting journey and people don’t know where to start. Research every move before going all in or Get In Touch and let us do all the heavy lifting